The Kyu (級) and Dan (段) ranking system is used by many Japanese martial arts organizations to indicate the level of one’s ability (expertise) in art practice. Dr. Jigaro Kano founder of Judo was the first to introduce and design the proper belt grading system in Judo as a visible indication of the students’ progress. Later it was introduced and adopted by other martial arts schools. In our organization, we have a more detailed system of grading children and adults, so they are trained and progressed properly for Blackbelt and beyond.

The Belt grading in Karate-Do is an important part because the syllabus and requirement for Blackbelt level have been divided and organized within the 11 Kyu before Blackbelt so the student practices and masters every technique properly and then has to undergo the examination process for every rank. This examination process demands proficiency in preparatory exercises, Kihon(Basic), conditioning drills, Japanese terminology, Kumite (Sparring), Katas (technical pattern set), etc.
Testing and training students in Karate-Do motivates the student to train more and set higher goals to attain, which improves the level of proficiency in the art. The advanced study of Karate-Do demands a high level of proficiency in the art as well as correct Budo manners, etiquette, and discipline. Budo etiquette is not just “performed” when requested. Rules of Budo (loyalty, respect, and politeness) must become a part of our lives.
We are an international-style organization with headquarter based in Japan. The training and testing curriculum, methods are those of Japan which sets the standard of Karatekas. The minimum time required to obtain a Blackbelt is continuous training for a period of 42 months (504 training hours) and the maximum differs on the ability of the student training.
From 10th Kyu to San Dan (3rd Dan) are tested by the authorized examiner of Japan in India Naresh Sharma, Kyoshi, and 4th Dan onwards are tested by the examiner from Japan Headquarters. All Dan grades are tested, trained, and certified by Kuniaki Nobukawa, Souke as well as India National Director Naresh Sharma, Kyoshi.
From 10th Kyu to Shodan are issued in India by Naresh Sharma with authentication from Kuniaki Nobukawa and International Dan Grade certificates are issued from JKNSK International Headquarters.
The Japan Karate-Do Nobukawa-ha Shito-Ryu Kai India (Japan Karate-Do Shito-Ryu International Renshikan) -
KYU (level below Blackbelt) and DAN (level on Blackbelt) Certification System.
The student at our organization starts from 11th Kyu as a White belt (beginner) and gradually passes through the ranks taking examinations for each Kyu grade promoting them to the next level with different colored belts. The belt grading system varies from karate institution to karate institution and reaches up to the level of Blackbelt and then the level increases from Black belt Shodan (1st Dan) to Ju Dan (10th Dan).
To obtain certification for each rank, you must fulfill the certification requirements and complete the testing procedure. Testing or grading is carried out by a Principal Instructor and authorized Examiner -India by Japan headquarters, assisted by technical experts. To be eligible for testing, you must first have to gain the appropriate amount of continuous experience and training at your current grade. For a higher level of Dan grade, you may have to take the test outside your own country (at the higher Dan ranks, only Hyogo JKNSK HQ is authorized to evaluate, grade, and issue certification).

Kyu and Dan Grading Prerequisites
10th to 1st Kyu
Age: – N/A
Time Requirement: – 3, 4, 6 months or at the sole discretion of Sensei.
Examiner: – Authorized Examiner from India HQ
Sho Dan HO (1st Dan Probationary Blackbelt)
Age requirement: – 10 years minimum
Time Requirement: – 1 Kyu to Shodan H:O 8 to 12 months
Examiner: – Authorized Examiner from Japan HQ
Sho Dan (1st Dan Probationary)
Age requirement: – 11 years minimum
Time Requirement: – Shodan H:O to Sho Dan 12 months
Examiner: – Authorized Examiner from Japan HQ
Ni Dan (2nd Dan Blackbelt)
2 years after Shodan, Age- 16/18 years minimum
Examiner: – Authorized Examiner from Japan HQ
San Dan (3rd Dan Blackbelt)
3 years after Ni Dan, Age- 21 years minimum
Examiner: – Examiner from Japan HQ
Yon Dan (4th Dan Blackbelt)
4 years after San Dan, Age- 25 years minimum
Examiner: – Examiner from Japan HQ
Go Dan (5th Dan Blackbelt)
5 years after Yon Dan, Age- 30 years minimum
Examiner: – Examiner from Japan HQ
Roku Dan (6th Dan Blackbelt)
6 years after Go Dan, Age- 36 years minimum
Examiner: – Examiner from Japan HQ
Nana Dan (7th Dan Blackbelt)
7 years after Roku Dan, Age- 43 years minimum
Examiner: – Examiner from Japan HQ
Hachi Dan (8th Dan Blackbelt) Upon recommendation by Instructor
8 years after Nana Dan, Age- 50 years minimum
Examiner: – Examiner from Japan HQ
Kyu Dan (9th Dan Blackbelt) Upon recommendation by Instructor
9 years after Hachi Dan, Age- 59 years minimum
Examiner: – Examiner from Japan HQ
Ju Dan (10th Dan Blackbelt)-Upon recommendation by Committee.
10 years after Kyu Dan, Age- 70 years minimum
Examiner: – Examiner from Japan HQ
To progress to the next Kyu or Dan, the students of JKNSK INDIA must demonstrate exceptional skill and flawless execution of Kihon, Kata, and Kumite. Besides technical skills, the examiner shall also observe the overall development of individual character and personality.
IV} SEMPEI (Senior Student)
V} SENSEI (Teacher)
VI} RENSHI (Expert Teacher)
VII} SHIHAN (Master Instructor)
VIII } KYOSHI (Professor )
IX } HANSHI (Supreme Master)
X} Souke (Head of Style/Family)
: 10th Kyu – Junior Yellow Belt – 7th Kyu Senior Orange Belt
: 6th Kyu Junior Blue Belt – 3rd Kyu Senior Green Belt
: 2nd Kyu Junior Brown Belt – Sho Dan HO Blackbelt (Probationary 1st Dan Blackbelt)
: 1st Dan Blackbelt to 2nd Dan Blackbelt
: 3rd Dan to 4th Dan Blackbelt
: 5th Dan – 6th Dan Blackbelt
: 6th Dan – 7th Blackbelt
: 7th Dan – 8th Dan Blackbelt
: 8th Dan – 9th Dan Blackbelt
: Grand Master of Style (System)